Could this be why is SA lawyers are seen as a necessary evil or even worse a cost centre?
Let's not tackle this issue head on let's rather look at some things that lawyers are good at:
A good lawyer is not only someone who can look at and interpret law and some say are masters of gray, but rather let's look at what a good lawyer's thinking skills should be:
- Structured
- Logical
- Tactical
- Proactive
- Solutions driven
- "Big Picture" or "Global" view
- Lawyers need to be able to work across multi-disciplinary teams with different personalities
- Can move effortlessly between team member and leader
- Knows the importance of many of the core principles behind project management
- Understands conflict, can engage in it when tactical required or resolve it
- Good people skills
- Excellent communication skills
- Can change roles quickly
- Understands how to work within set parameters
- Can be moved within the business to any position or project without too much disturbance
- The dynamic nature of law means that lawyers are more comfortable than most with position changes
- Can easily be moved within reporting structures
- Obvious is legal interpretation and compliance
- Handling legal problems and bringing in external legal assets when tactically and economically requires
- Disciplinary issues and appearance on behalf of the business in legal forums
- Naturally are risk conscience, so risk and its mitigation are a natural fit
- Contract management
- Procurement
- Project management
- Taking meetings
- Organisation
- Negotiation
- The list goes on ....
- Why are lawyers so capable, because as stated above they become masters of the rule book and from that everything else follows.
- Helps secure "first mover advantage" (this was shown in a Harvard Business School Study)
- Reduced legal expenses
- In high risk industries, having in-house legal on site dramatically increases the ability of the business to contain and mitigate risk
- Lawyers bring a different view which can provide different insights into the business